Thursday, September 27, 2007

Our life in Salatiga

We have been in Indonesia now for a little over three weeks. We have slowly settled into our home and a daily routine. Lori and I are in Language School Monday through Saturday with usually four hours of classes each day. My classes begin at 7:30am while Lori has days where her classes finish at 6:00pm. This is pretty intensive and I, especially, often feel overwhelmed. The language isn't difficult but I have little time to study.

We wake up around 6am. Our house help arrive at 8am. Ibu Wiwik helps us by cooking a main meal, doing laundry, and general cleaning. Ibu Im looks after the kids, particularly Raina. My classes finish at 2pm after which I pick up Katie from her school. Ibu Wiwik and Im leave at 3pm. The kids are usually in bed by 8pm and we are all asleep by 10pm.

We have been enjoying the food here. Lunch and supper always includes rice. Sometimes it is fried but usually just cooked. Usually there is some kind of sauce or topping for the rice. Ibu Wiwik has worked for Westerners before and will occasionally make chicken nuggets and fries for the kids (and me). We always have fruit with the meal, usually some combination of mango, melon or pineapple. For breakfast we have bread with peanut butter or jam, or cereal (usually the Indonesian version of Rice Krispies), or noodles.

Salatiga is a smaller town. It is surrounded by a few mountains and its elevation makes it a bit cooler. During the day it is always above 30C but not too humid. Usually there is a bit of a breeze. At night the temperature drops down to the mid-20's. We have a number of fans in our house but the temperature inside is always in the high-20's.

Our house is a bit small but comfortable. There are no screens on the windows and there are gaps above the doors to allow for air circulation, so we have mosquitoes. We all sleep under mosquito nets. The house has two kitchens. The one kitchen has counters, a fridge and stove while the other has a sink and pantry. Our bathroom has a toilet and a bak. A bak is a large reservoir for storing water but is not a bathtub. The children bath in a plastic tub while Lori and I take sponge baths. The bathroom is built for water to drain out.

More later.



Melinda said...

Love the descritption of life there! Keep it up.

Selma Enns said...

Hi! Good posting; hope to hear more. Do you get a lot of rain at this time of year? Your electricity is on all the time? Glad to hear you have a Bob and/or Lizi around. A bit bigger than ours in Zambia. Write again! Mom & Dad